Looking to clean and restore your tile flooring to a like-new shine? The CleanPro Commercial and Residential Floor Stripping and Refinishing Process will clean and shine your tile floors like never before. We offer the best in Connecticut for commercial floor cleaning, and all of New England for residential floor cleaning services.
We specialize in Connecticut commercial floor cleaning for grocery stores, deli’s, schools, commercial office buildings, churches, event spaces or event halls primarily in Connecticut. Commercial tile cleaning and tile floor refinishing services are typically offered on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.
We also specialize in residential floor cleaning services to all of New England, with a focus on Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey. Our residential floor cleaning service is perfect for restoring kitchen floors, entryways, hallways, basement flooring and anywhere you have residential tile floors in your home.
Before Stripping & Refinishing
After Stripping & Refinishing

Special attention will be given to all areas that need to be taped off and protected. Spots, stains, and black heel marks will be hand scrubbed and scraped to remove all blemishes possible.
Residential: All tile flooring will be machine stripped and refinished using a 160lb.Mercury 175 r.p.m. floor scrubber equipped with a silicon tynex brush. This stiff nylon brush with different length bristles will completely strip the floor removing all wax, dirt, and grime.
Commercial: All tile flooring will be machine stripped and refinished using a 400lb. Aztec Propane Machine equipped with a 3- 13″silicon tynex brushes at 1100 r.p.m.s. This stiff nylon brush with different length bristles will completely strip the floor removing all wax, dirt, and grime. All edges and corners will be hand scrubbed.
After the tile floors are stripped clean all of the solutions are removed. The floors are then given a complete mopping and thorough rinse with neutralizing solution.
When the tile floors have completely dried they are vacuumed with an Electrolux Olympia Vacuum cleaner with a 3 layer dust filter. This will insure a perfectly clean floor for the application of the tile floor sealers and finishes.
Now that all the tile floors are clean and dust free the first coats of Spartan Tile Sealer will be applied. This coat will take approximately 20-30 minutes to dry. The second coat will then be applied to all the tile flooring. As the porosity of tile varies additional coats will be needed.
Give us a call and we will make all your floors stripped clean and shiny.
Contact us with any questions or problems concerning your Connecticut floor cleaning, commercial and residential floor stripping, floor refinishing, and contract floor maintenance needs.